Saltcorn is free and open-source software. It can be installed and used for any purpose with no license fee.
Professional and technical services to help you succeed with Saltcorn are provided by Saltcorn Collective Ltd.
Having done your feature and suitability comparison, and finding that Saltcorn neatly checks and satisfies all the requirements except that one little thing… Sponsor the improvement of the core Saltcorn codebase and its module ecosystem to check the last boxes
Sponsors will have significant input into all design decisions regarding their enhancements. All code released is open source under the permissive MIT license – you have full freedom to operate.
This service is provided at a reduced hourly rate. It is a cost-effective alternative to custom development.
For specialised functionality, the fastest way to deliver can be to implement custom Saltcorn modules in code
Extremely rapid development of a proof of concept. You will have a real working application, scaling to thousands of users. Use this for market testing to evaluate demand and measure product market fit.
Building a prototype on Saltcorn leaves you in a good place when it is time to move on:
The hardest part in software engineering is figuring out what to build. Use Saltcorn for the first implementation and rapid iterations based on initial user feedback. Building a prototype forces you to clarify many aspects of the design and function scope.
Then, if you need to switch to a traditionally engineered application due to scalability or customizability concerns, cloning the no-coded prototype application is likely 10% of the work and cost compared to using software engineers to develop an evolving, ill-specified concept.
Figure out what you want to build with Saltcorn and validate that there is a demand for this solution. Then re-implementing with a traditional software engineering approach will be much easier
We can support your organisation in building applications in Saltcorn. This support can include any of the following: